It was holy ground—the place where God’s spoken words revealed Moses’ purpose to him. The burning bush grabbed Moses’ attention . . . but it was God’s word’s that captured his heart. Every syllable was sacred. His words were living and active. They became reality. They shaped Moses’ identity. They changed his life and would in turn change the lives of others.
Standing on Holy Ground
What is your God-given purpose?
When you seek God’s plan by approaching him through the Bible—as Moses approached God’s presence in the burning bush—you too are standing on holy ground. The Holy Spirit will reveal God’s words . . . his plan for you . . . to your heart.
Your purpose brings value to this world and glorifies God. God is the author of your story. He is the only one who can write those words on your heart.
You are a treasure. God created you to shine by reflecting his glory as you turn your heart to his.
God’s Words Are Holy
The words God whispers to your heart are holy, for they are his. Guard them. They are meant to write your story so the greatest story—the gospel of Jesus Christ—can be told by your life.
Don’t ever trample on the holy ground of your God-given purpose by giving more weight to the words of other people than to God’s.
Stay close to God by meditating on the Bible so his words are the loudest. So they drown out words from others—and even from yourself—that would contradict God’s Word or distract you from your God-given purpose. His words are a sacred trust. They are the framework for the holy ground in which seeds of the gospel may be planted for others to see Christ. Don’t argue with others or defend yourself.
The great I AM is calling you, dear friend, and that is enough.
Nourish Scripture: Exodus 3
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Blog written by Aliene Thompson. Aliene Thompson is the founder of Treasured Ministries and the Author of the Nourish Bible Study Series. © 2019 Treasured Ministries.