Heavenly Father, give me wisdom to discern true strength. Let me not fall for a flattering tongue or falsely assume that people who persuade others or have a title necessarily carry your power.
Let me be wise choosing those I walk with today, because the people I spend time with influence me.
Let me stand with those who stand with you, even if that means I need to be different or face rejection.
Let me find contentment in your acceptance alone.
I confess that charisma and charm have deceived me before and created unhealthy connections in my life. I saw people, instead of you, as the source of my strength. My desire to fit in eclipsed my desire to follow you.
Today, give me wisdom to choose to stand with the true strength that only you can provide.
Abba Father, I want to align my life with you because your power produces love, and love is the most powerful force in the world. I am answering your call to be strong in the Lord and in YOUR mighty power. Amen.
(Pray God’s Word: Daniel 11:31; Ephesians 6:10–17; Acts 20:28–31)
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Blog written by Aliene Thompson. Aliene Thompson is the founder of Treasured Ministries and the Author of the Nourish Bible Study Series. © Copyright Treasured Ministries 2019