What Is the Difference Between Reconciliation and Forgiveness?
WATCH OUT! Is someone trying to rush you into reconciliation, using religious rhetoric or even scripture?
Perhaps they have said, “But the Bible says you are not supposed to judge me, and you should forgive me.” OR, “Well, you know what the Bible says about reconciliation.” Or maybe “I thought you said you were a Christian. Let me read this verse to you…“
You know, treasured one, religious rhetoric or scripture can be a powerful tool to push premature reconciliation that is not God’s intention for you. Especially when you are confused with your biblical responsibility, you might give in to the pressure and offer premature, often artificial reconciliation. Abusers and offenders love this strategy to relieve their guilt by putting it on YOU. But this is not God’s way.
Rushing reconciliation when not ready prevents true restoration. Listen this week as we continue in our summer series What Does It Mean to Forgive? Listen to all episodes in this series by subscribing to the Live Treasured Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Our verses for this week are Genesis 42:1-18, Hebrews 9, 1 John 1:9.
Miss last week’s episode? Catch the replay of episode 1 of our summer series on forgiveness by clicking here!
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