Lord, the steps through the wilderness are always the hardest.
The very hardest.
Help me remember there is purpose in this pathway—even when I don’t understand.
Let me live with hope by remembering my Egypt is behind me and the Promised Land before me.
All you ask me to do today is to take the next step. Help me to get caught up not in knowing every detail of my God-ordained destiny, but in the sheer delight of a daily adventure of walking by faith. One step at a time.
Sometimes you lead us into the wilderness for us to witness that your power is all we need. And so, I rejoice today. Though this season is difficult, you are building my faith for my destiny.
(Pray God’s Word: Deuteronomy 8; Matthew 4:1–11)
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Blog written by Aliene Thompson. Aliene Thompson is the founder of Treasured Ministries and the Author of the Nourish Bible Study Series. © Copyright Treasured Ministries 2019