What God-given dream seems smothered by walls that surround you?
What self-imposed limitations prevent you from believing all things are possible with God?
What past mistake has pushed insecurity so deep into your soul that fear prevents you from becoming all God created and redeemed you to be?
Lift your eyes off of your limitations to look beyond those walls with eyes of faith.
When your faith in Christ defines you, limitations cannot confine you.
The Story of Rahab
I love the story of Rahab, don’t you?
The walls of Jericho surrounded Rahab, the prostitute. However, no walls from her past could keep her from her destiny. Rahab saw beyond her walls. She looked to the Living God to help her, not because she thought she had earned his help, but because she had faith in him. Her faith in God rose when she heard of his power and provision for his people (Joshua 2:9–11). When she put the scarlet cord in her window, she identified herself as one of God’s people and was rescued by Joshua to live among the Israelites (Joshua 2).
The scarlet cord identified Rahab as one of God’s chosen people. The blood of Jesus Christ identifies us as God’s children.
What or whom is identifying you?
Our Walls of Limitations
Even though we are not living behind Jericho’s walls, I believe we build our own walls of limitations. Instead of seeing ourselves as God sees us and stepping out to become all God created us to be, we sometimes choose to live a life defined by self-imposed limitations.
- Sometimes we hide behind those walls.
- Sometimes those walls don’t allow our God-given dreams to grow.
- Sometimes we see the walls as impossibilities that will never change.
Brick by brick those walls continue to grow until we accept them as a part of our lives.
The answer is not found in trying really hard to tear down those walls. The answer is found in tying a scarlet cord around the window of your heart.
Initially at salvation, you apply the blood of Jesus Christ over the window of your heart by confessing Christ as your Savior and putting your faith in the finished work on the cross. The shed blood of Christ rescues you from the penalty of sin, the power of sin and the dominion of darkness (Colossians 2:8–15).
Your identity and purpose are then found in Christ (Ephesians 2:8–10). Jesus supplies us with everything we need to accomplish His will (Hebrews 13:20–21). You will need to remember all that your rescue means when God calls you to a mission beyond your natural ability.
Faith in the Holy Spirit Helps You Let Go of Limitations
We do this by walking by faith in Christ and keeping our eyes on Him. Faith in your circumstances limits you. Faith in the Holy Spirit will liberate you and give you God confidence (2 Corinthians 3:17; 2 Corinthians 4:7–11; Psalm 57).
If I fix my eyes on my imperfections or my circumstances, I feel discouraged. However, if my eyes are fixed on Christ and the righteousness I have through him, I move beyond my feelings into the realm of faith.
When your faith in Christ defines you, limitations cannot confine you. You don’t have to live like a hostage trapped inside self-built walls. God is bigger than your walls.
Let the Holy Spirit liberate you so you can live aligned with your God-given purpose by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit one step at a time.
Nourish Scripture: Joshua 2
Blog written by Aliene Thompson. Aliene Thompson is the founder of Treasured Ministries and the Author of the Nourish Bible Study Series. © 2019 Treasured Ministries.