3 Ways Overcome Powerlessness by Remembering Your Rescuer
Never before has there been such craziness in our circumstances. It is paramount that we remember our Rescuer during this season. We can feel pulled into a place of despair that puts us at the door of panic. But let us be intentional about seeking God’s face during this time. We may be social distancing, but we do not have to be spiritually distant.
Some have said to me that they are choosing gratefulness during social distancing. They are using it as an opportunity to retreat into God’s presence so that they can then respond to others in love. I invite us all to look at our circumstances as a holy pause, one that is a gift from the Lord where we can find strength and refuge under his winds of protection.
The coronavirus will not separate you from the Father’s love. It will not separate us from each other spiritually. We have a choice to use this time to build each other up in the faith—virtually!
Though we are miles apart, we are still one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). We are not in this alone. The enemy of our souls will attempt to create a drumbeat that speaks disparaging words about…
- God
- Others
- Our circumstances
- Ourselves
But I say no more!
It is time we remember the promises of God!
God Is in Control During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Many of you may feel isolated and powerless during this time of social distancing. Perhaps the drumbeat the enemy is playing in your ear right now is a repeat of an old tune you stepped to in your past.
When situations feel out of control, we can unknowingly step into a place of a victim mentality. But as a child of God, you can depend on him rather than your circumstances.
Here’s How to Remember Your Rescuer During the Coronavirus Pandemic
God Calls Us to Remember
“Don’t forget that you Gentiles used to be outsiders. You were called ‘uncircumcised heathens’ by the Jews, who were proud of their circumcision, even though it affected only their bodies and not their hearts.”—Ephesians 2:11 (emphasis mine)
The Greek word for “don’t forget” is to call to mind over and over again. Some translations say, “remember…” When we “call to mind over and over,” we are quicker to remember and rest in the place of God’s rescuing power.
Therefore, when circumstances tell us to doubt, we can pause and proclaim God’s promises. As we proclaim, we are placed in position to receive Christ’s rescuing hand instead of focusing on the storms of life.
Remember… You are not separated from God, but are now a citizen of heaven and in covenant relationship with him because of the blood of Christ!
God Calls Us to Reflect
Not only can we reflect on God’s goodness, but we can also be a reflection (or imitate God as the verse below says) so that others see him in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.”—Ephesians 5:1-2 (emphasis mine)
You may ask, “How can this be done while we are social distancing?”
Treasured One, we can look at this situation as a holy pause. It provides opportunities to reach out to others and give a good word to them virtually.
Spend some time each day reflecting on God’s goodness. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a message to share with someone else.
Even though we are exercising social distancing, we can share a message from our Rescuer that reflects his power by reaching out through…
- Text
- Zoom
- Skype
- Phone calls
- Facetime
And let us not forget handwritten letters!
God Calls Us to Renew
As we wake each morning, let us renew our minds with a good report from the good Word. We can be overwhelmed and feel powerless when we see the giants in our circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic.
However, we have a choice. Will we give a bad report or a good report?
There might be people or circumstances that push us to disagree with a good report, but let’s choose to renew our minds with God’s new mercies and grace today!
“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”—Lamentations 3:22-23 (emphasis mine)
The Takeaway
Treasured One, hear this: The blood of Christ covers you. When you are fearful or feel powerless because of the coronavirus pandemic, take a moment to pause and…
- Remember you are in God’s family.
- Reflect on and be a reflection of God’s goodness.
- Renew your mind and agree with the good report of God’s mercies and grace.
The blood of Jesus gives you the guarantees of an inheritance that blesses you with…
- Rest
- Peace
- Restoration
- Salvation
- Redemption
- Joy
- Abundance!
Let us not adopt a victim mentality during the coronavirus pandemic, but instead adopt the mind of Christ. Pause for a moment and invite the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to seeing this circumstance from a different perspective, from your Rescuer’s perspective.
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”—1 John 4:4
Want Resources During Social Distancing?
Check out the Treasured Devotions Series. Currently, we are going through Godly Girl Power–we are tapping into God’s power, which will empower us as women!
Join the Treasured Tribe, which will allow you to connect with others who are doing the Treasured Devotions.
Get started on a Nourish Bible Study Series. These 3 studies allow you to dive deep into God’s Word throughout the week. Get a group together and meet on Zoom, Facebook, or Skype weekly to discuss the study.
Don’t let the enemy keep you from meeting together spiritually. What God has brought together, nothing can keep apart, and he is bringing women everywhere together virtually during this time!