In Joshua’s old age, he gathered the Israelites together to say his goodbyes. Knowing his life was coming to a close, Joshua shared from his heart about the promises and faithfulness of God in order to inspire the children of Israel to guard their hearts and give them to God:
So fear the Lord and serve him wholeheartedly. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord alone. But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:14–15)
Our Challenge Today Lies in Our Choices
Joshua’s challenge to the Israelites is our challenge today.
To find abundant life we must give total commitment to the giver of abundant life. God will never make us choose him because real love always gives free will. God’s authentic love invites you to choose. Our choices will empower one way or another. Your free will is a precious treasure to guard so you can give it fully to God.
However, as Joshua warned the Israelites, choosing God is not always easy in a culture that contradicts God’s truth. Often attachments to the past or fear over the future govern our choices to cling to the world instead of surrendering to God.
A woman’s heart is the center of this battle.
The enemy seeks to take our heart captive to destructive sources that prevent us from becoming the person God designed us to be. God wants to release his potential within each of us so we can walk in our authentic identity and bring the love of Christ to others. However, Satan, the enemy of our soul, would love to shut down our heart by convincing us we are not valuable; that we do not matter—and that we cannot trust—God.
But remember this: Jesus laid his life down to fight for our heart, releasing us to live fearlessly for his glory as we look to him as our sole source for life. When our thoughts change, our choices will change. The battle is won through the eyes of faith as you renew your mind to God’s love for you and choose to follow God.
A Brave Heart Walks by Faith
A brave heart walks by faith in God and his Word and not necessarily by what she sees. Oh, she still feels afraid when adversity arrives, but understands that the source of her courage and strength comes from looking at life through the lens of who God is and believing the voice of truth over the enemies’ lies taunting her to fear.
Her heart is determined to believe God. In doing so, she invites others to do the same.
Brave hearts believe God, experience the Promised Land, and lead others to do the same. Only by encountering Jesus and embracing his words through faith will we find true freedom. Open your heart to God’s Word, allow Jesus to capture your heart and become the woman God created you to be.
Nourish Scripture: Joshua 22–24
Blog written by Aliene Thompson. Aliene Thompson is the founder of Treasured Ministries and the Author of the Nourish Bible Study Series. © 2019 Treasured Ministries.